Installation and Configuration


Social Feed Manager is not a simple “click to run” application. It is best if you or somebody you can work with has some experience as a unix/linux systems administrator when attempting to install this application. It’s not the world’s most complicated app, but you will need to install system software and configure it, set up a database, get application credentials from Twitter, and then use all of that to configure and run SFM, which is a python/django application that plugs into a web server. If these are new tasks for you, you might want to work with another person with a little more experience.

Another key consideration is platform. At GW Libraries we develop, test, and run SFM strictly on Ubuntu LTS servers (virtual machines, actually), so these docs reflect that. If you want to install SFM into another environment you will be on your own to some degree. But if you stick with Ubuntu LTS (currently 12.04) these instructions should work for you if you follow them precisely.

We develop and run SFM inside a virtualenv, which is a commonly used sandbox / isolation technique for Python applications. This allows a Python application and its third-party library dependencies to be installed into one independent virtual environment for the app side-by-side with other applications (and perhaps their own virtualenvs) on the same system, or even alongside multiple versions of SFM itself. There are many benefits to using virtualenv for this purpose. We strongly recommend that you do the same, and these instructions will guide you.


These instructions assume you have a brand new Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server.

SFM is developed and managed using Ubuntu 12.04, Python 2.7, PostgreSQL 9.1+, Apache 2+, and other dependencies we’ll run into in a moment. If you want to use something else, you’re on your own, but let us know and please feel welcome to submit a pull request with your own suggestions.

First, install these system-level packages:

% sudo apt-get install git apache2 python-dev python-virtualenv postgresql libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libpq-dev libapache2-mod-wsgi supervisor

(Optionally, change to the directory where you wish to install SFM. Your user will need write permissions here.)

Next, get this code using git:

% git clone
% cd social-feed-manager

Create and activate a virtualenv:

% virtualenv --no-site-packages ENV
% source ENV/bin/activate

Note that the first command creates a virtualenv, and the second command activates it. For nearly all of the following instructions, we assume you are active in the virtualenv you just created.

Prep PostgreSQL, the database SFM uses. First, update /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf to enable local database connections or otherwise as you prefer. Note that there’s more than one way to do this, so if this is new to you, read this background information, or ask a friendly sysadmin for help.

For example, you could add a line like this (you will probably need to use sudo to edit the file):

local   all             all                     md5

When you’ve edited pg_hba.conf, save it, then restart postgresql.

% sudo service postgresql restart

When that succeeds, su to the postgres account to create a postgresql user and database. Substitute your own preferred values for the all caps values below, but do use the single quotes around your password when you create it in the third line.

% sudo su - postgres
(postgres)% psql
postgres=# create user YOURSFMDBUSERNAME with createdb password 'YOURSFMDBPASSWORD';
postgres=# \q
(postgres)% createdb -O YOURSFMDBUSERNAME sfm -W
(postgres)% (ctrl-d to log out of postgres acct)

Now install the python library requirements in your virtualenv using pip. This might take a few minutes. This step requires that you successfully installed all of the system-level packages above. Note that these python packages are being installed into your virtualenv, not system-wide, which is what we want. They will only be available while you are in this activated virtualenv.

% pip install -r requirements.txt

That should be everything you have to install. Now it’s on to configuring the SFM app itself. Progress!


Now we’ll configure the SFM app itself. Before we do, though, did you go through all of the steps above? If not, or if you’re using a different platform, you might have different results. So now’s a good time to check that each of these tasks is done:

  • installed system-level dependencies using apt-get install
  • cloned the social-feed-manager repo using git
  • activated the virtualenv sandbox for your sfm setup
  • configured postgresql, restarted it, created a db and a user
  • installed app-level dependencies in the sfm virtualenv using pip

If you haven’t done all of these, please go back and be sure you do.

Next we configure the SFM app, which takes a few steps:

  • set configuration parameters for SFM itself
  • obtain Twitter API credentials and specify them in the SFM config
  • set up the database

If you aren’t already there, cd into the social-feed-manager/sfm directory first:

% cd sfm

Django uses a file for most configurations; SFM also uses a second file for installation details like database name and user and Twitter API authentication information. We include a template version of that file in the social-feed-manager/sfm/sfm directory to make it easy to get started. You’ll copy that to your own file and edit that to specify your configuration.

Copy the template to your own local settings file:

% cp sfm/ sfm/

Edit this file and set appropriate values for just these parameters at first, we’ll go back later and get the rest:

  • ADMINS (specify your name and email address in the format provided)
  • DATABASES (NAME, USER, PASSWORD as you defined for postgres above; HOST should be ‘localhost’ assuming your database and application are on the same server, as per these instructions.)
  • DATA_DIR (create a directory to hold data files, then specify it here; use a new directory that is not inside the social-feed-manager directory)
  • TWITTER_DEFAULT_USER (the name of the twitter account you’ll use to connect to the API; we’ll specify the other TWITTER_* settings in a bit)

Next, do the same for the file, copy its template to a new file specific to your installation:

% cp sfm/ sfm/

In this new file, uncomment just the three lines below the one that starts with “if using a virtualenv...”, then specify the location of your virtualenv in the second of these lines. When you’re done, it should look something like this:

import site
ENV = '/home/dchud/social-feed-manager/ENV'
site.addsitedir(ENV + '/lib/python2.7/site-packages')

WSGI is a specification for connecting applications like SFM to web servers; this file tells a web server where to look for the SFM app and its dependencies on your system. We’ll configure the web server later.

Our next step is critical - register your SFM instance with Twitter’s “Application Management” page. Log in to Twitter using the account you specified as TWITTER_DEFAULT_USER, then visit this page:

Here, create an app for your instance of SFM. In addition to the required values, set the application type to “read only”, and give it a callback URL. The callback URL can be the same as your website URL, but you have to provide a value or the authorization loop between twitter/oauth and django-social-auth/ sfm will not work correctly.

Did you give it a callback URL? Good. It’s required. Really.

When you finish this process, you’ll see a OAuth consumer key and secret for your SFM instance. At the time of this writing, they’re located on the “API Keys” tab listed as the API key and the API secret. Use these as the values for these two settings in


These two settings along with TWITTER_DEFAULT_USERNAME should all be defined now with real values from your account and your SFM app’s OAuth key/secret.

First time running SFM

There are several layers of “users” with SFM; the next steps are critical because if the users aren’t lined up just right, SFM won’t be able to use Twitter’s API. It can be a little confusing, but it’s important to understand what’s going on here.

The first few layers of users are at the system-level. You are logged in to your machine using a system user; using that account, you installed system-level dependencies (with sudo or as root, perhaps). You also configured PostgreSQL and cloned SFM and installed SFM’s dependencies with the system user. When you configured PostgreSQL you also created a user for PostgreSQL. The PostgreSQL user is what SFM uses to connect to the PostgreSQL database.

Next, there are two kinds of Twitter users we are interested in. First, you used your own Twitter account to register your SFM install with Twitter; the OAuth keys you received for that user allow SFM to connect to the Twitter API. This is separate from the accounts of Twitter users for which you want to collect tweets, which we’ll also record in the system later, in the database, using SFM.

Finally, to log in and use SFM through the web, there are two kinds of SFM app-level users. You can have administrative accounts (we’ll create one in a second), strictly for housekeeping purposes, and you can also have Twitter-authenticated users for day-to-day use (we’ll create one of these too). The administrative accounts may be Twitter-authenticated, but they don’t have to be.

This is all very confusing, yes, but it will make more sense in a few minutes.

First, we set up the database using the regular django method syncdb, but read the next three paragraphs first, they’re important.

syncdb will use the settings you configured in to connect to the database and set up the tables SFM requires.

This will also ask you to create a superuser. Do this, and name it sfmadmin. Don’t name it the same thing as your TWITTER_DEFAULT_USER. You will be prompted for an email address and password, fill these in and remember your password.

Did you call the superuser sfmadmin? Really? Good.

% ./ syncdb

When that completes, we need to “migrate” the database to the most recent data model:

% ./ migrate

When that completes, we’re ready to run the app, finally:

% ./ runserver

By default, this will run SFM using Python’s built-in web server, on a high port number like 8000. If you are on a server that doesn’t allow web traffic through port 8000 through the firewall, but does allow port 8080, you can specify a host and port:

% ./ runserver

This will start the web application on at port 8080.

The built-in web server is really only good for development and testing, not production, but it does provide access to everything the app does.

Next, visit the webapp in your browser:

You should see a blue bar at the top and a request to “Please log in” and a button to “Log in with Twitter”. Click that button, and now log in through Twitter using the account you specified in your TWITTER_DEFAULT_USERNAME. Maybe your browser is still logged in with this account because you configured your SFM instance at Twitter and got your OAuth credentials with it, in which case, great.

If this works, it should bounce you back to your site and you should see an empty SFM, with no users listed, but you should be reassured to see “log out YOURNAME” in the top blue bar. If that works, you’re in great shape.

Now, click “log out YOURNAME” and log out. Yes, log back out.

Next, in your browser, then, visit:

You’ll see a different user/pass challenge. Here, enter the SFM app-level superuser name “sfmadmin” and password you created above when you ran syncdb. This should drop you into the admin screen. Under “Site administration” -> “Auth”, click “Users”. You should see two different app users, one called “sfmadmin” and another with your TWITTER_DEFAULT_USERNAME. “sfmadmin” should have “Staff status” with a green checkmark; the other account does not, and has a red circle with a white minus sign. If you see all this, you are in good shape.

Next, click on “Home”, then under “Social_Auth”, click “User social auths”. On the next screen you should see one user, with your TWITTER_DEFAULT_USERNAME. Click the number next to its name, and you’ll see the OAuth access token for this user which allows SFM to connect to the Twitter API.

Why doesn’t “sfmadmin” have a social auth? Because it only ever logged in to SFM. The sfmadmin account is only for your housekeeping needs; the other account can be used to connect and read data from the API.

What’s the social auth? These are credentials that allow your SFM instance to connect to Twitter’s API on behalf of your Twitter account. sfmadmin never logged in through Twitter, so it doesn’t have one, and it doesn’t need one.

If this is still confusing, try this: log out again, then grab a colleague and have them log in to your SFM using their own Twitter account (with the “Log in with Twitter” button on the home page). After they’re done, log them out of SFM, then log back in using sfmadmin and the /admin URL. Under the Auth -> Users list, and in User social auths, you’ll see their new sfm account. Get the difference now?

The OAuth credentials you got when you registered your SFM instance allow SFM to connect to the Twitter API to do things like let users log in to SFM themselves through Twitter. Then, when you finally do connect to the Twitter API to get data, you’ll use a combination of your app-level OAuth credentials and the access token for your TWITTER_DEFAULT_USER or another credentialed user to get that data.

So let’s do that now.

Logged in to the /admin page using your sfmadmin administrative account, go Home, then under “Ui” click “Twitter users”. There shouldn’t be any yet - these are the names of accounts you want to collect. At the top right, click “Add twitter user”, and on the next screen, enter the name “bbcnews” (no quotes, though!), which is a good example because it’s active all the time. At the bottom right, click “Save”.

If this succeeds, you should see that user “BBCNews” is now added to your system as a twitter user. Note that it’s “BBCNews”, not “bbcnews” - when you clicked “Save”, SFM did the following:

  • connected to Twitter’s API using your TWITTER_DEFAULT_USER account credentials
  • queried Twitter’s API for a user named “bbcnews”
  • found the account “BBCNews” and its info
  • stored this as a new TwitterUser in SFM, using the case-corrected name form

If it didn’t work, double-check your spelling.

This is the easiest way to add users to SFM.

Now that you’ve added a TwitterUser, let’s fetch its recent tweets.

Back in your terminal window, enter:

% ./ user_timeline

Sit back and watch for a bit. SFM will connect to Twitter’s API and make a series of calls to fetch 200 recent tweets at a time, up to 3200 total, pausing between each call. The numbers 200 and 3200 aren’t arbitrary, they are set by Twitter (see for details). SFM abides by Twitter’s API and pauses regularly so that it can stay within the API’s rate limits.

You are now up and running with SFM.

Apache integration

To run SFM in production, we recommend integrating with apache using WSGI. It’s straightforward and well-tested. You will need to copy a configuration file into apache’s sites-available directory, edit that file to match your installation details, enable that site (and optionally disable other versions), then restart apache. Let’s get started.

First, copy our apache configuration template to sites-available. We like to append the appname “sfm” with the version number, e.g. sfm_m5_001, so when we go to deploy a new version, we can just add a new config file and make the switchover easy. You could just call it sfm if you want, but it can help to have the version number in there, so these instructions use that convention.

% sudo cp sfm/apache.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/sfm_m5_001
% sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/sfm_m5_001

You will need to change several things in this file:

  • change references to /PATH/TO/sfm to the full absolute path to your social-feed-manager/sfm directory
  • change references to YOUR-HOSTNAME.HERE to your public hostname
  • change the reference to /PATH/TO/YOUR/VENV to the full absolute path to your virtualenv (ending in ENV) which you created above
  • change the reference to python/2.X to 2.7

When you’ve made all those changes, save the file.

Next, enable the site configuration you just created:

% sudo a2ensite sfm_m5_001

Assuming you are installing in a clean VM, disable the pre-existing default site:

% sudo a2dissite 000-default

Reload the apache configuration, as it suggts when you made the changes above:

% sudo service apache2 reload

That’s it! It should be working now.

If you run into any problems, check the logs in /var/log/apache2/.

What next?

Some options for what to do next: