m4_001 release notesΒΆ

m4_001 introduces collecting expanded urls in tweets, improves use of supervisord to manage multiple processes, and enhances organizedata to better structure data files. It also fixes bugs related to supervisord and cleans up twitteruser status and filterstream issues.

If you are upgrading an existing SFM instance from a version prior to m4_001, to m4_001 or newer, and your instance contains active TwitterFilters, then you will need to run the createconf management command.


Social Feed Manager has streamsample and filterstream management commands which are used to fetch random or filtered twitter feeds. These management process are automated using supervisord. Supervisord manages the streamsample and filterstream processes, starting and stopping these processes when required.

Supervisord control:

  • #135 - streamsample and filterstream are managed by supervisord, SFM no longer requires manual run of these commands, if supervisord is set up, everything is handled by supervisord. This is done using the post_save signal sent from the UI to initiate these processes.
  • #133 - Twitter API doesn’t allow parallel streams like streamsample and filterstream to run concurrently with the same authorization credentials, so run a validation in the admin UI when adding the filters using twitterfilter, and validate that active streams do not conflict.
  • #170 - To simplify naming, renamed rules in admin UI to twitterfilter and throughout SFM.

Twitter data organization:

  • #132 - Re-fit organizedata to use subdirs for different filters.
  • #119 - Added command and table to fetch and store expanded form of urls found in tweets.

Other issues and bugfixes

  • #177 - Refactored signal call to createconf to be specific to the appropriate filter.
  • #150 - Better handling of deactivation of TwitterUser status for no-longer Twitter-valid accounts, validating and throwing errors if name is not unique.

See the complete list of changes for milestone m4_001 in github.